Carolinas Energy Planning for the Future: Local Government Toolkit

In December 2014, the South Carolina Energy Office, in collaboration with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Advanced Energy, and UNC Charlotte’s Energy Production and Infrastructure Center (EPIC), received a State Energy Program Competitive Award from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy to develop a bi-state coordinated vision for energy planning that can help meet state policy goals, support electric reliability, and comply with environmental standards. To further support the project goals, the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation provided funding to expand the project reach and include education and outreach.

As part of the two-year project, an air quality toolkit was created to provide resources to local governments. The goal of this toolkit is to help local officials learn about energy-specific programs and practices that can be implemented in order to improve air quality. The specific topics covered in the toolbox include: background information on electricity generation, rate setting and air quality, transportation, internal operations, funding and financing, and community programs.