Advanced Energy Welcomes Kristin Riggins as Utility Program Consultant
Advanced Energy is happy to welcome Kristin Riggins as a utility program consultant. Kristin grew up in Nebraska and attended Northwest Missouri State University. After earning her degree, she went to work for Kansas City Power and Light Company, and over 11 years she gained experience in a range of areas. She was heavily involved in demand response, energy efficiency, renewable energy and electric transportation. Most recently, she managed the deployment of more than 900 electric vehicle charging stations across nearly 300 locations throughout KCP&L’s service territory.
When Kristin saw the position at Advanced Energy, she could not pass it up. Two primary aspects stood out to her. First, she was excited by Advanced Energy’s business model and the opportunity to apply the knowledge she gained at KCP&L to help other electric utilities grow and expand. She would be able to engage with the energy industry from a new perspective, outside of one particular utility. Second, she was intrigued by the diversity of markets in which Advanced Energy works. Rather than concentrating on a single arena in energy, Advanced Energy takes a more comprehensive view and serves markets across the board. Therefore, Kristin would be able to immerse herself in diverse ways.
Although she started just a few weeks ago, Kristin is already engaged in the day-to-day flow of the company. Her new role offers her substantial flexibility, and given her background, it is a great fit. So far, Kristin has been focusing on electric transportation, energy efficiency and demand response programs for electric cooperatives, but her work will evolve as new opportunities arise. Kristin will be dividing her time between her home in Missouri and the Advanced Energy office in Raleigh, and she will attend events and conferences throughout the country as needed. She is currently one of several Advanced Energy employees working outside of North Carolina.
“The energy industry is changing rapidly to integrate new technology on the generation supply side and demand side,” noted CC Maurer, energy engineer. “We are excited to have Kristin with her diverse background join the Advanced Energy team and help us design the optimal programs and services for our utility customers.”
Outside of work, Kristin keeps busy raising her three kids. She can also frequently be found carrying out home improvement projects throughout the house.
Kristin’s wealth of experience makes her an excellent fit, and her history of professional success will allow her to effectively respond to the challenges facing the energy industry, utilities community and Advanced Energy. She will have an opportunity to provide value in many areas and to many utilities, and Advanced Energy is excited to have her on board.