Advanced Energy Helps Facilitate Motor System Market Assessment

Last conducted in 1998, the Motor System Market Assessment (MSMA) is a national study commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Manufacturing Office and conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Its goal is to examine efficiency opportunities for motors and motor-driven systems in commercial and industrial facilities. According to one estimate, motor-driven equipment (e.g., pumps, fans and air compressors) account for nearly 70 percent of a manufacturing plant’s electricity usage. Therefore, another aim of the MSMA is to encourage the adoption of industry best practices and technologies to address motor system energy efficiency.

The DOE and LBNL contracted Cadmus to conduct facility-wide motor assessments as part of the study. Cadmus is currently carrying out these assessments in 400 randomly selected commercial and industrial sites across the U.S. This component of the MSMA is a boon for facilities as well: by participating, they receive a free motor assessment, report and recommendations for motors and drives energy efficiency opportunities.

Advanced Energy has been partnering with Duke Energy to facilitate the process and make North Carolina facilities more aware of the benefits of this value-added service. With the support of Advanced Energy and Duke Energy, Cadmus reached out to several companies in the state, and about 20 have either already received their assessment or have one scheduled. Ultimately, it is a win-win for all involved: the DOE gains the insight it needs to strengthen industry best practices and adoption of new energy technologies, Duke Energy learns more about its industrial and commercial customers, and the facilities can better identify energy efficiency opportunities. Once the assessments in North Carolina are completed, Advanced Energy will aggregate the information and summarize it for Duke Energy.

The MSMA will provide a detailed profile of the motors and motor-driven systems in industrial and commercial applications across the country. It will also promote a deeper understanding of energy efficiency and cost-saving opportunities and help increase U.S. competitiveness in the global marketplace. Advanced Energy is excited to contribute to this effort.