
Advanced Energy Receives NVLAP Audit and Renewal

Motors and drives testing has been a staple of Advanced Energy for nearly 30 years. The motors and drives laboratory follows procedures that are well documented, […]

Lighting for Commercial and Industrial Settings

Lighting is essential to creating a safe and comfortable environment in commercial and industrial buildings. It also, however, contributes substantially to energy usage and can exceed 20% of total consumption.

Closed Crawl Spaces and Warmer Floors

Q: Will closing my crawl space vents keep the floors of my home warmer? A: It would be nice if merely closing crawl space vents would make magic […]

Testing for Radon

Q: Is radon a concern in homes with crawl spaces, and should I get a test? A: Testing for radon is an inexpensive and commonsense way to minimize […]

Musty Crawl Space

Q: My home occasionally has a musty odor, and I’m worried it could affect my health or the health of my home. I suspect the vented crawl space is […]

Kerosene Space Heaters

Q: Is it OK to heat my home with a kerosene space heater if my furnace isn’t working? A: An indoor kerosene heater should only be used in […]

The Importance of Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Q: How important are carbon monoxide alarms in homes that are all-electric? A: Think of carbon monoxide alarms as seat belts. You may never need them, but when […]

Changing Your HVAC Filter

Q: How much will I save by changing the filter for my central air conditioner every month? What other benefits does it have? A: The short answer is […]

Carolinas Energy Planning for the Future

From 2014 to 2016, Advanced Energy worked on the Carolinas Energy Planning for the Future project with the South Carolina Energy Office, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and […]

Lighting Your House

Lighting accounts for approximately 5 to 10 percent of your household energy bill. This amount may not seem like a lot, but it can add up quickly. In recent […]