
NC GreenPower Announces 2017 Solar Schools Grant Awardees

MEDIA ALERT CONTACT:   Katie Lebrato, Marketing Communications Director,, 919-857-9026 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Download as pdf) May 12, 2017 RALEIGH, NC –  NC GreenPower launched a pilot program […]

Plug-in NC: Driving Electric from the Mountains to the Sea

We at Advanced Energy have been supporting electric transportation for over 30 years, but one of our biggest milestones was the 2011 formation of […]

Mold on Windows

Q: I found black spots that look like mold around the edges of my windows. Could these be harmful? What should I do? A: Mold spores are around […]

Duct Sealing to Improve Air Quality

Q: I don’t see any holes in my HVAC ducts, but should I still have them sealed to improve energy efficiency and indoor air quality? A: Duct leakage […]

Bathroom Moisture

Q: I have mold growing on my bathroom ceiling despite having a bath fan. What should I do? A: Often, the problem is not with the fan but […]

Mold Allergies

Q: I’m allergic to mold. What can I do inside to improve my health? A: To live in a home that will not make you sick, it is […]

2017 Smart Grid Webinar Series

Advanced Energy is excited to launch the 2017 Smart Grid Webinar Series! This series is uniquely designed to provide information about smart grid technologies to leaders and […]

Mike Stowe Achieves Designation as SEP Trainer from U.S. DOE

In the fall of 2016, Michael (Mike) Stowe, senior energy engineer at Advanced Energy, was in the initial group of people to receive official recognition as a U.S. Department of […]

2016 Annual Report

Advanced Energy is excited to announce the return of our annual report. The annual report was a staple in our early years, and we think bringing it back (after more […]

Interview with Stewart’s Electric Motor Works, Inc.

We would like to congratulate our Proven Efficiency Verification (PEV) member, Stewart’s Electric Motor Works, Inc., on their recent […]